Current access IP:
Query current IP information API interface:
Query the specified IP information API interface:
Query the current IP weight API interface:
Query the specified IP weight API interface:
Query the current IP weight API interface:
Query the specified IP weight API interface:
Query results
Fraud risk
← Low risk
High risk →
The lower the score, the higher the IP quality, and 100 points means the worst IP quality.
Congratulations, this website supports IPv6
Not a true global proxy. Here's how to use proxifier to make Ladder a true global proxy.
Step 1: Find the socks5 port of the ladder
Step 2: Add socks5 proxy server
Step 3: Add proxy rules
Here we use the [Bit Browser] program as an example. If we want the Bit Browser program to use the ladder proxy, first we need to know the name of the Bit Browser window process. In the Bit Browser installation directory: resources\Chrome-bin\BitBrowser.exe. The name of the window process is: BitBrowser.exe, configured in the Applications of proxifier bit* , which means matching all processes starting with the bit character.
Step 4: Set Default rules
Step 5: End of setup
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Bit browser
A free fingerprint browser and cross-border account security management expert